down a treeの例文


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  1. She accidentally drops Radish down a tree and can't get her out.
  2. He manages to shoot down a tree which crashes onto the copter.
  3. The Jayhawkers would cut down a tree and take the honey.
  4. Preventing a wildfire from engulfing a home trumps not cutting down a tree.
  5. "I'd rather cut off my own arms than cut down a tree ."


  1. "down 4 u"の例文
  2. "down 4 whateva"の例文
  3. "down a dark hall"の例文
  4. "down a plane"の例文
  5. "down a rathole"の例文
  6. "down against"の例文
  7. "down aileron"の例文
  8. "down aka kilo"の例文
  9. "down all the days"の例文
  10. "down along the cove"の例文
  11. "down a plane"の例文
  12. "down a rathole"の例文
  13. "down against"の例文
  14. "down aileron"の例文

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